Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Peter Beste - Norwegian Black Metal

Often I listen to NPR on the internet in search of new music. Don't ask me how, but I discovered an Austin based photographer - Peter Beste who as been documenting Norwegian Black Metal. Norwegian Black Metal is basically what we know as metal (Slayer ect.) but the music and performances are taken to the far extreme. I found this project particularly interesting because of the haunting images Peter created on his travels. After seeing his interview on NPR, I immediately bought the book. Take a look at video, some of the images are disturbing but I guarantee you it will be like nothing you've seen before!

NPR interview with Peter Beste

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Just hangin' out

The spring off season here in Jackson can be quite boring at times. Access into Grand Teton National Park is typically tough due to high snow levels. It is cold and rainy and anytime you have that combination sometimes it is just miserable playing outside. Our solution has been working out in indoor climbing gyms. As it turns out a good friend has a really neat shed filled with climbing holds, couches and a few Christmas lights for a little character. Here is a shot I made from that shed. Proves that if you just hang out for a while with some friends things aren't that bad.