Monday, July 30, 2007

The Project - Teaser's

Well, I promised I would update as things progressed with the movie I worked on in New York City last April and as it turns out, it is moving right along. The folks from Renhart Films have put out their first two teasers of the movie The Project. The film, as I've said before, is about a group of film makers that move to New York City to make a documentary on inner city youth. I shot the movie stills for the Project, a few can be seen here.

It is a very graphic and explicit film. I would even venture to say that the one minute teasers are rated 'R'. So, make sure there are no small children around and check it out.

O.K.... I've warned you. The teasers are below.

Teaser #1

Teaser #2

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Boulder Island

About a week ago a few friends of mine ventured out to Grand Teton National Park. Since the 1940's the park as been a destination for some of the best mountaineers in the world. Good for them. We spent some time off the peaks exploring a pretty cool place called Boulder Island.

We packed some climbing gear (and photo gear) and headed out to the trail head. One mile later we were at Leigh Lake. About forty yards into the lake is Boulder Island. An island with a 30 foot boulder on it. Fitting name, eh? We tossed our gear into a raft and swam the short distance to the island. We arrived, set up a top-rope and just took it easy, climbing, sitting in the sun, and enjoying the peace and quiet of the island. I wish I could tell you a crazy story about a bear sneaking up on us, or an epic climb but none of that happened, just a few good people and a relaxing time. Something we all need every once and a while.

This was my first venture out with my new fish-eye lens, and we had some fun with it. Here is a shot of my roommate at the time- Brian hangin' out in the air. He has since left for Lake Tahoe to compete in a 30 mile run- then is off to become a CPA in Oregon. We wish him the best.

On a side note, please stop by my website to check out the new photographs I have made in the recent weeks. Also, if anyone has an old washed up leather briefcase, I sure would like it. Shoot me an email ( and we'll make arrangements.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Project

At the end of April I traveled to New York City to work on a movie with a long time friend, Tim Duff. Since we parted ways in high school to pursue different careers, he chose the ever complicated job of movie producer. Basically he is responsible for putting together everything for a movie shoot. The only thing he doesn't do is direct and edit- even though he dabs into that every once and a while.

Tim called me up and asked me if I can come out and shoot movie stills for his new movie 'The Project', a film about inner city youth shot documentary style. The catch is the fact that the film is fiction so it isn't a true documentary, however it will seem like it when you watch it. I had a great experience working with so much talent in the city. I just updated Gallery 6 on my website with a few images from The Project.

Above is an image I made on location in queens. We were shooting a drive-by scene. This was a moment between takes. I wanted to capture the the moods of each of the actors/actress in a single frame. This is one I particularly like.

For more info on the movie go to The movie is in post production, so things are kind of in a dormant stage at the moment. I will keep updating as it progresses.


Friday, July 6, 2007

The Middle Teton and South Teton

As you know, Jackson WY is located at the base of Teton National Park. Nearly 3 million people visit the park each year. You can see most of them pulled over on the side of the road, standing on their car door step sticking a digital camera about 6 inches from their face and snapping a photo. Other instances you can see these people (locals here call them gapers) staring at a moose or elk, getting dangerously close to get a shot for their photo albums. Making all of us late for work.

I mention the gapers because the only way to get away from them is to get up at the crack of dawn and get far into the back country. Thats exactly what my roommate and I did on July 3rd. We had the idea to climb the Middle Teton. We began our ascent at 6 a.m. And was at the base of the south-west gully, our route up the Middle Teton by 10 a.m.

The gully was steep and littered with loose rock but we made it up by 11:30 a.m. and took in the view. We got a magnificent view of the south face of the Grand Teton. This image is pictured here, with the summit of the Middle in the foreground. We each basked in the moment of a summit, then descended back to the saddle.

We were at the saddle by 1 p.m. and had a snack. This view is quite amazing as well. On either side are the Middle and South Tetons and down below off a cliff is Ice Flow Lake. Taking in the view we decided to make an assault on the South Teton. Well that payed off too. That climb was very easy and we were able to bag 2 peaks in one day. Needless to say my legs were sore for 2 days.

Two major peaks in the Tetons in 12 hours with a good buddy on your birthday. It doesn't get much better.

Oh yeah. No Gapers. Much better.