Monday, August 27, 2007

A little fun

Last week, before my backpacking trip I visited the Scottish festival here in Jackson on assignment for the Planet Jackson Hole (the newspaper I freelance for). The festival was fun, I got the chance to experience the log tossing, bagpipes and traditional Scottish food. Above and beyond the festivities this little girl stood out to me.

During the festival it was raining. Typical Scottish weather. Most people ran under the tent for refuge, but this girl couldn't get enough of her umbrella and the rain. It got me thinking how awesome it is to see people having a great time, no matter what the conditions may be. When was the last time you made an excuse not to do something because of the weather? Perhaps next time, rethink and be prepared. You never know how much fun you might have.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Teton Crest Trail

For the past couple of days I have been backpacking through Grand Teton National Park via the Teton Crest Trail. It proved to be one of the best hikes I have done thus far in my life. Simply put, words cannot describe the experience.

This image sums it up for me.

Pictured is Ben Graham descending into the south fork of Cascade Canyon from Hurricane Pass with the Grand, Middle and South Tetons in the background.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Perseid Meteor Shower

Each year the Perseid Meteor Shower rains over the Northern Hemisphere. This year, it happened to occur on a new moon, which proved great viewing. We went out to Shadow Mountain for the event.

The meteors can be as large as a pea or as small as a grain of sand. As the meteors enter Earth's atmosphere it compresses the air in front, which heats up. The meteors vaporize and light up creating a shooting star.

The meteors were created by a comet called Swift-Tuttle. The comet itself is 6 miles in diameter, similar in size to the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. Last seen in 1992, Swift-Tuttle is the largest comet to repeatedly pass by earth.

We observed about 2-3 shooting stars a minute. Good times had by good people, and we had an awesome view of the Tetons to boot. Hopefully you got out and enjoyed it as much as we did.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Karate and Derby Cars

Two weeks ago the county fair came through Jackson. Part of the festivities is the demolition derby. To be honest, I never went, or even desired to go. But when the derby was over they stashed all the wrecked cars just outside the facility.

I ventured out there last night to shoot the cars. Surprisingly one my of roommates wanted to come. So he did. We arrived out there at about 11 p.m. and I began to shoot. About 5 minutes into it I told Leif (my roommate) to karate kick the side of the car. He did, and I'm into the results.

This isn't traditionally my type of photography, however, I have been spending some time over at another blog called Strobist. This blog tells you everything you need to know about off-camera lighting. That is what I did here. One flash was placed directly behind the subject, then one off camera right about 15 ft away. Set the camera F8, on blub exposure, stood on top of the car and made the shot. Some cool stuff can be done by simply getting light sources in creative places.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

A little for your ears

It's interesting how some art mediums can be paired together. For instance, music and film. It seems as though every song has some new booty-shakin' video paired with it. Most are for the pop crazed teens, but I stumbled upon something fresh, and healthy.

For a few years now I have been discovering music through a radio station in the Blue Ridge Mountains called WNCW. They played a song by a DJ a few weeks ago by the name of Mocean Worker (pronounced by saying ocean, with an 'm' at the beginning). I visited his website and he's got his new music video posted for his new song 'Shake ya boogie.' It's probably nothing you will see on MTV, but who watches that anyway? Basically I've been inspired to dedicate an entire post to this video and his music. I guess it is because after I watched it my headache was gone and I ran a marathon.

Well, actually I didn't run the marathon, but it did clear my head. His music is capable of healing. Seriously.

Check it out... THE MOCEAN WORKER